
Providing thought-provoking leadership, workplace and community insights.

Casual Restaurant Chain

  • Published
  • 22 January 2020

A casual restaurant chain with more than 4,000 employees across multiple states works closely with WorkCare’s team to intervene immediately in the event of a non-emergency work-related injury. After introducing our Incident Intervention telehealth triage program, self-care/first aid rates increased from 50 percent in 2013 to 68 percent in 2017 (within two years after implementation). For employees seen in a local clinic, WorkCare successfully performed physician peer consultations with the treating provider 90 percent of the time, with 32 percent of employees returning to regular duty, 55 percent returning with temporary activity restrictions and only 14 percent taken off work for one or more days. Other outcomes reported by the company include fewer disability days, more precise injury causation determinations, and improved employee confidence and trust in medical providers.