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Medical monitoring programs apply to job applicants or employees who are at risk of exposure to hazardous conditions or substances. The Medical Exams & Travel team is dedicated to making sure exams and results are handled in an accurate, timely and secure way.
Our Occupational Health Screening services provide results from baseline and periodic exams that provide comparisons to help identify and manage exposure risks before they result in injury or illness. A change in health status provides the information needed to develop workplace protections and targeted medical interventions.
Medical Exams & Travel team growth allows us to broaden WorkCare’s outreach to companies and governmental entities in the U.S. and abroad.
WorkCare acquired Corporate Health Resources (CHR) in 2022. Operating as a WorkCare company, CHR continues to schedule appointments with qualified medical exam providers located within close proximity to job applicants and employees. CHR supports corporate medical department administrative functions and placement of consulting medical directors at companies that do not have onsite clinical staff. Other areas of expertise include vendor credentialing medical services employees who need to access health care facilities and other institutions. See Specialized Services below to learn more.
Additionally, we purchased the occupational health assets of AllOne Health Resources in 2021. Since then, we have been integrating the best of AllOne into the WorkCare Way and facilitating client transitions to WorkCare operations. This purchase was instrumental in WorkCare’s development of Navigator, our new, state-of-the-art Medical Exams & Travel information management platform.
With CHR and AllOne now part of WorkCare, we have more than 125 years of collective experience!
WorkCare refers job candidates and employees to a robust network of qualified clinicians in the U.S. and selected international locations. Required exams and lab work are scheduled at a convenient time and place. Results are reviewed by our occupational physicians, who are familiar with site-specific hazards and trained in physical assessments, toxicology, epidemiology and preventive medicine. Exam capabilities include audiometric, asbestos, bloodborne pathogens, commercial drivers, crane and forklift operators, hazwoper, heavy metals, respiratory/pulmonary function, silica and much more…
Our board-certified occupational medicine physicians provide clinical oversight and consulting on workplace exposure hazards. We help employers avoid unnecessary tests and hiring delays while covering all essential exam components. We seamlessly manage “back-office” tasks so employers can focus on other critical environment, health and safety concerns.
We deploy advanced technology to ensure compliance with applicable regulations and industry standards. WorkCare clients have access to our proprietary information management platform to securely schedule exams, maintain confidential medical records and store information they can legally use to make appropriate job placement decisions.
“The facility I went to was heads above any other facility I have gone to in the past. Each person I interacted with was knowledgeable, caring and very adept at their specific job.” Holland America Employee
TravelCare is a department within WorkCare’s Medical Exams & Travel division that is dedicated to protecting employees from exposures to potential health hazards wherever their job takes them.
Travelers may obtain immunizations against diseases including influenza, hepatitis A and B, typhoid, meningitis, rabies and, as available, yellow fever. Medications may be prescribed for the prevention of malaria and as a precaution in the event of intestinal complaints.
We offer a holistic approach to personalized care. Whether a trip involves one or hundreds of employees, we are skilled at:
With consolidated billing, we make it easy for TravelCare clients to track activity and the return on their investment in employee health and safety.
WorkCare supports clients with drug-free workplace programs and other drug-and-alcohol testing needs. Comprehensive, efficiently managed screening programs help:
Yes. We have experience managing urine, hair, oral-fluid and breath-alcohol tests under the following circumstances and as applicable to the type of screen being performed:
During business hours, we refer job applicants and employees to the client’s preferred collection site, or if there is no preference stated, a conveniently located facility. Alternatively, an onsite clinic (as available) or local collector with an in-house laboratory may be utilized. Collection sites are required to use approved testing kits containing chain-of-custody collection forms and instructions for completing the collection process.
We understand that an employer may occasionally have a need for after-hours drug screening. A timely response largely depends on the location and circumstances. On request, we are prepared to assist clients with managing possible solutions such as:
On the day of collection, specimens are shipped via a secure delivery method to a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA)-certified lab under contract with WorkCare.
Test results are confidentially reported to a designated company representative. Negative results typically are available within 24 hours of lab receipt of the specimen. Non-negative results are usually available within 24 to 48 hours of receipt. Final confirmation is generally available within three days.
We use specialized software to generate reports, track results and as requested by the client, randomly select employees for testing. WorkCare is fully compliant with random-selection, donor privacy and IT security rules.
Yes. A qualified WorkCare physician may act as the client’s MRO. All positive drug screens are reviewed in accordance with best practice and DOT guidelines. Information obtained by the MRO is entered into and stored in WorkCare’s secure database.
The MRO:
We assist clients with developing and implementing drug-free workplace policies. We help establish programs that comply with DOT rules and regulations, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and other applicable federal and state laws. We also provide guidance on written policy, prevention programs and training for management on recognizing and responding to signs of impairment. We work with a third-party company that provides Substance Abuse Professional guidance on counseling and follow-up testing in accordance with a client’s protocol.
WorkCare offers national consolidated pricing so our clients can take advantage of related savings. Pricing is based on a national average of clinic, laboratory and vendor costs. Our fees cover all administrative and MRO services.
Our customized, integrated solutions are designed to help clients manage all aspects of workforce health. For example, for clients with an onsite clinic managed by WorkCare, our onsite personnel can collect specimens and send them one of our contracted labs. For clients enrolled in Incident Intervention, our 24/7 telephonic injury management program, a WorkCare nurse or physician can help facilitate testing or provide clinical oversight in the event a cab pack is being used.
WorkCare provides competitively priced Oil and Gas United Kingdom (OGUK) exams for workers in offshore exploration, installation and production environments. OGUK represents producers and contractors in the global offshore wind energy and oil and gas industry in collaboration with the UK Offshore Operators Association (UKOOA). Exams are scheduled by appointment with qualified physicians at WorkCare’s occupational health clinic in Wilmington, MA, formerly operated by AllOne Health Resources.
Write to info@workcare.com to learn more.
Our work-fitness programs provide pre-placement and return-to-work fitness-for-duty, human performance and bio-ergonomic surveillance assessments to identify individual health exposure risks and ensure that employees can safely perform essential job functions.
A fitness-for-duty assessment may include a review of medical history to identify health issues of concern and functional testing as part of a human performance evaluation. Bio-ergonomic surveillance using wearable technology may be used to identify an individual’s risk for overuse injury while doing routine tasks. We also identify physical and mental health conditions that could cause impairment and put the individual employee, co-workers, customers or the general public at risk. This may include the use of illicit or prescription drugs.
Assessments are based on accurate, functional job descriptions. Our physicians oversee exam requirements, communicate with evaluating clinicians in our provider network, and provide guidance on return to work with or without job accommodations or temporary restrictions. Medical clearance letters are provided within five business days following a scheduled exam.
In some cases, medical monitoring exams may be performed virtually by a WorkCare occupational physician using a comprehensive online health questionnaire and telehealth employee interview when an in-person exam is not necessary. This is a cost-conscious alternative to in-person exams that require job candidates and employees to visit a local provider clinic. Such reviews are particularly effective for return-to-work evaluations following injury or illness, including medical clearance after recovery from COVID-19.
In addition to managing drug screening for commercial drivers, we employ and refer to physicians who are certified by the Federal Motor Carrier Administration and registered to perform commercial driver medical exams. We are also prepared to assist independent drivers with their medical assessment needs.
We offer competitively priced services for employees who need approved access to health care institutions in compliance with Vendor Credentialing Organization (VCO) and related customer requirements. This service is provided by Corporate Health Resources, a WorkCare company. It includes:
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WorkCare facilitates access to background checks in collaboration with qualified partners. Background checks are recommended as an adjunct to drug screening and medical exams to vet candidates before they start work, improve retention and help reduce legal liability.