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Onsite Services & Clinics

From Safety to Wellness™…

We Become One With the Workplace

Our approach transitions workplace teams From Safety to Wellness.™ We support employees’ physical and mental health from hire to retire. We become one with the workplace by engaging workers in their own health and well-being while producing positive business results for their employers.

Adaptable Delivery Models

No two workplaces are alike. That’s why WorkCare offers customized onsite delivery models. Options include full-service clinics; strategically assigned nurses, first responders and/or injury prevention specialists; 24/7 telehealth consultations; mobile medical and near-site operations; and major events medical coverage. We also provide wellness education and assistance for personal health conditions.

All services are provided in collaboration with our clients – including environment, health and safety, risk management and human resources professionals – and employees on the front lines.

Return on Investment

Everyone wins when employees receive compassionate care that complies with best medical practices and applicable regulations. Our analysts use “metrics that matter” to provide client-specific outcome dashboards and reports.

Onsite Services & Clinics ROI is calculated in many ways. For example: medical and indemnity cost savings; reduced rates of workers’ compensation claims and OSHA-recordable incidents; mitigated risk of litigation or fines for non-compliance; lower likelihood of injury-related absence or disability; and improved employee retention, engagement and time on task.

Introducing Events Medical Services

WorkCare’s dedicated Events Medical Services team provides cost-conscious, quality care at televised sports events, concerts, conventions and other large gatherings. Medical services coverage may extend to event employees, guests, paid attendees, subcontractors and vendors.

Clinical services include:

  • Triage, first aid and other types of immediate, non-emergency injury care
  • Illness care, such as non-prescription remedies to relieve a headache or stomach upset
  • Guidance for overall wellness, injury/illness prevention and disease management
  • Follow-up, as needed, for an injury, illness or personal health management issue
“Occupational health nurses deployed by WorkCare supported more than 500 televised events for one client alone in a 12-month period.”

Events Services Benefits

WorkCare’s events medical coverage is a cost-effective alternative to using off-site clinics where an employee may encounter long wait times, receive medical treatment that could be safely managed onsite with first aid, or not returned to work. We manage all of the logistics required to deploy qualified clinicians:

  • Events clinicians follow best medical practices under the supervision of a WorkCare board-certified occupational medicine physician.
  • Employees feel reassured and appreciated when immediate care is available and that they will be able to safely remain on the job.
  • All encounters are recorded and tracked so clients can see the number and nature of incidents but not employees’ protected health information.

Events coverage may be extended to client subcontractors and vendors. To learn more, connect with sales.

“A client saved an estimated $552,000 by retaining WorkCare to provide onsite injury, illness, wellness and follow-up care at a major event.”
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We’re Diverse

Onsite Services & Clinics is fully integrated with other WorkCare services, including Medical Exams, Drug Testing & Travel, Incident Intervention 24/7 teleheath triage and Industrial Athlete programs, Wellness Solutions and Consulting M.D.s.

Our Bio-Ergonomic Surveillance, Industrial Athlete and Industrial Massage programs are also workplace-based services.

Here are some examples:
  • Physical exams
  • Drug screening
  • Hearing tests
  • Immunizations
  • Personal urgent care
  • Work-related injury care
  • Emergency medical response
  • Ergonomic assessments
  • Injury prevention programs
  • Bio-metric screening
  • Health monitoring and coaching
  • Wellness education
  • Collaboration with local providers
  • Employee assistance referrals

Our clients have the opportunity to engage with the Onsite Services & Clinic team in a multitude of ways.